Hair Restoration - Hair Science Centre


Sunday, October 21, 2018

Hair Restoration

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

Platelet rich plasma therapy is an exciting non-surgical modality for management of hair loss and works as adjuvant to the hair transplantation. It not only prevents further hair loss but also stimulates actual hair growth. The growth factors in platelet rich plasma removes the inhibitory factors present in the scalp and stimulate the dormant hair follicles to grow again and new hairs grow over the bald areas.
It is equally effective in both male and female cases of alopecia. Platelet rich plasma therapy has given excellent results in more than 80% of the cases, good results in 15% of the cases whereas 5% cases had average to poor results. To get the maximum benefit PRP therapy can be combined with other modalities of non-surgical hair restoration.
What is Platelet Rich Plasma?
Human blood can be divided into two major components: plasma and cellular components. Plasma acts as carrier of the cellular components of the blood. Platelets are essential component of wound healing and repair.
  • Platelets contain various growth factors:
  • platelet-derived growth factor,
  • transforming growth factor beta,
  • fibroblast growth factor,
  • insulin-like growth factor 1,
  • insulin-like growth factor 2,
  • vascular endothelial growth factor,
  • epidermal growth factor,
  • Interleukin 8,
  • keratinocyte growth factor and
  • connective tissue growth factor.

These growth factors lead to regeneration and growth of various cells which come in their contact including the stem cells and hair follicles.

How Does PRP Work?
When PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is injected into the tissues e.g. scalp then the platelets degranulate and release all their growth factors. What these growth factors do is:
  • Increase the vascularity of scalp,
  • Accelerate the growth of hair follicles which are already present in the scalp,
  • Causes reversal of miniaturisation of hair leading to increase the volume of hair in the scalp,
  • Stimulate the dormant hair follicles in the scalp and lead to growth of new hair follicles and appearance of new hair over the bald scalp.
  • Stimulate the mesenchymal stem cells and cause their differentiation into hair follicle cells and ultimately their conversion to hair follicles leading to new hair growth.
It is recommended to combine PRP therapy with the Stem cell therapy to get the best results.
Advantages of PRP
  • Non-surgical treatment of hairloss.
  • Inexpensive.
  • No side effects.
  • No downtime.
  • Prevention of hair loss
  • Regain lost hair
  • Increase hair density
PRP is not a substitute for Hair transplantation but can avoid undergoing hair transplantation if started on time.

How Frequently and for How Long the Platelet Rich Plasma Injections Are To Be Given?
PRP injections are given at an interval of 4 weeks. Though results become apparent within 3 months, the PRP therapy is recommended to be taken for 6 months with once every year maintenance injections.
Where Else Is The PRP therapy Being Used?
Over the period of decades PRP therapy has established itself as an effective medical treatment modality in the specialty fields of: oral surgery, neurosurgery, plastic and cosmetic surgery, sports injury medicine and orthopedics. It has been used extensively in these specialties with positive outcomes and success. In the field of hair restoration, there are evidences which support the role of PRP therapy as a promising treatment option. While PRP is effective in hair restoration, it is not meant to replace the current FDA approved therapies such as DHT blockers and Minoxidil.
Steps of PRP Therapy:

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