Hair Loss - Hair Science Centre


Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Hair Loss

                                   Hair Loss                               

Personal & Social Implications

For millions of people around the globe, hair loss is a major problem associated with low self-esteem, insecurity, social reclusiveness and even depression. Loss of scalp hair gives an individual older or aged looks as it is regarded as one of the common signs of ageing. Men start getting inferiority complex in their peer group and friend circles specially in presence of girls. Baldness in young age leads to reduced social interactions specially with opposite sex. Men become shy of talking to girls. Sometimes they get ridiculed for their bald looks. Sometimes they get rejected by the opposite sex. They also face rejections in marriage proposals and find it hard to get a good life partner. Even after marriage baldness can make you feel slightly less wanted. Your children also start asking you about your bald head and start comparing you with father of their friends and start saying how handsome that uncle is. In social gatherings and family functions a bald look can force you to be with people with much elder age group. You are not able to enjoy with the younger lot in the party. You become photo-phobic because of your bald looks. You start hiding from the cameras. You stop uploading your photos on social networking sites.

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